- Filter (Gelman GN6 13 mm) or (Millipore RAW 013 )
- Filter holder sweeny 13 mm
- Hank's solution
- Hématoxiline acide free
- Orange G ( Ortho )
- Ea 65 ou Ea 50 ( Ortho )
- EtOH 95%, 1-propanol, toluène
Acetate filter procedure
- Centrifuge 10 ml of urine
- Decant a maximum of supernatant
- Resuspend the pellet to 1 ml with Hank's solution. Verify the cellularity. Dilute if necessary
- Bring to volume to its initial value using Hank. Mix
- Place the acetate filter in ethanol 95% for 10-15 sec, mount on the sweeny filter holder.
- Rinse the filter by injecting 2 ml of Hank
- Inject with a seringe, 1ml or less of the sediment suspension, depending on the cellularity.
- Rinse the filter by injecting 2 to 5 ml of Hank
- Un-mount the holder and retrieve the filter.
- Fix immediately with EtOH 95%. Never let the filter dry out.
- Stain and mount.
PAP stain for acetate filter
From: Barwick H. McGill University ( personnal communication)
- EtOH 95%............................10 min.
- H2O ....................................10 min.
- Hematoxiline** .....................2 min.
- H2O tap ..............................10 min.
- HCl 0.05% ..........................7 dips (destain as needed )
- H2O tap 37°C .....................6 min.
- EtOH 95% ...........................2 min.
- Orange G** ........................2 min.
- EtOH 95% ..........................2 min.
- EtOH 95% ..........................2 min.
- EtOH 95% ..........................2 min.
- EA 65**...............................2 min.
- EtOH 95%............................2 min.
- EtOH 95%............................2 min.
- EtOH 95%............................2 min.
- 1-propanol 100%..................2 min.
- 1-propanol 100%..................2 min.
- 1-propanol /Toluène ( 1:1).....2 min.
- Toluène..................................6 min.
- Slide
- 1 drop of Eukitt
- Put the filter on the drop
- 2 to 4 drops of Eukitt on the filter
- Add the coverslip
Put on a heating plate adjusted at 50C, and let the resin disperse.
This procedure is used for
collection purpose.